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Tomorrow we will be at the monthly Innovation Café introducing ourselves!

The Innovation Café is an event organized by SCE Gründungsförderung that invites people to network and exchange ideas. It brings enterprising students, alumni and people interested in founding into conversation with start-ups, companies as well as experts. Over snacks and drinks, the Innovation Café devotes one evening to a selected topic. Successful start-ups or experts talk about their start-up history or their field of expertise. After exclusive insights, such as behind the scenes of a start-up, and a subsequent question-and-answer session with the audience, the evening moves on to networking. Guests can also find out about the start-up support services and pitch their own ideas. Admission is free, active participation and curiosity for new contacts are desired.

The Innovation Café is typically held on the first Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. in the Steelcase Creative Hall at SCE. Free registration here.

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