Dear Food Startup Founders,
der Nachfolger unseres 12 monatigen Zertifikatsprogramms, das Akademie Programm zur „Food Startup Gründung“ startet erneut im März 2024. Es gibt Euch die Möglichkeit in einem intensiven 10-wöchigen Programm alle wesentlichen Schritte zur Realisierung Eurer Food Startup Idee zu planen, Euer Produkt zu entwickeln und zu testen.
Der Überblick in Kürze:
Zielsetzung des Akademie Programms: Entwicklung/Professionalisierung einer Gründungsidee im Lebensmittelbereich – Entwicklung Businessmodell Lebensmittelentwicklung zum funktionalen Modell ggf. Testproduktionen von Kleinserien
Dauer: 10 Wochen (Start Ende März 2024)
Place: Freising & Online
Nächster Anmeldeschluss: 10. März 2024
Vorstellungsgespräche (Online): voraussichtlich 13. & 14. März 2024
Nächster Start: 21./22. März 2024 erster 2-Tages Termin in Freising
Abschluss: 6./7. Juni 2024
Kosten: 499 €
Der Kurs wird vorbehaltlich nur bei ausreichender Teilnehmer:innenzahl / Anmeldungen stattfinden!
Wir freuen uns über Eure Bewerbung! Für Fragen wendet Euch an
„Food Startup Gründung“ in einem intensiven 10-wöchigen Akademie Programm an dessen Ende Euer Businessplan, die Gründung eines Food Startups oder aber auch die Chance auf ein EXIST-Gründerstipendium von bis zu 140.000 € stehen.
Voraussetzung zur Teilnahme gibt es keine und die Bewerbung ist bewusst einfach gehalten: Mit wenigen Angaben zur Person und der Gründungsidee kann man sich um einen der Akademieplätze bewerben. Die Bewerbung läuft über unser Bewerber:innenportal, bei dem Ihr Euch kostenfrei mit eurer E-Mail Adresse anmeldet. Dort werden zeitnah alle weiteren Unterlagen für die Bewerbung zu finden sein.
Key data
Teaching content
The academy program combines learning content on business start-up with knowledge from food technology. It is designed to be very practice-oriented, as the FSIWS also wants to address crafts, agriculture and gastronomy. The workshops and webinars offered cover all the relevant information on founding a food startup - from product development to food production, from the basics of marketing and sales to financial planning, funding opportunities and setting up a company.
A special highlight of the certificate also includes joint product development appointments at the university's Food Startup Incubator, with its diverse pilot facilities and labs for food development and production.
Looking in advance for content around the topic of food?
Schaut Euch an, was bei unserer Akademie im Oktober / November 2023 los war!
Impressions from our training program
"I find the different coaches with diverse expertise, the cooperation with SCE, Selda Morina from the REWE Startup Lounge, etc., the workshops -> relevant knowledge for the startup is always conveyed here, the network via FSIWS/ coaches, the exchange among us participants and of course the opportunity to produce at the Institute of Food Technology super."
"I especially enjoyed the exchange with like-minded certificate participants, the testing of their products and the energy we share with each other. The production facilities at the institute are available to the certificate participants free of charge and are ideal for experimenting. In addition, other startups are also represented there, and you're also welcome to look over their shoulders."
"In the certificate program at the Food Startup Incubator Weihenstephan, I receive very valuable and outstanding support on the topics of product development, food technology, entrepreneurship, sensor technology, patent and brand research, shelf life of products, and much more. Exchange & learnings are constantly alternating and it's just a lot of fun with the coaches and the other participants together."
"The time here is so exciting and educational.
From helpful contacts to great lectures, you get plenty of input.
Super great is also the personal exchange with a coach and the regular tastings of the product.
How to be well prepared for the foundation!"
"The certificate program is a good guide in the jungle of the food startup founder world. How do you go about product development? How do you do a patent/trademark search? How to design a label? What is important in a pitch? And much more ... help is at hand! Especially valuable is the exchange with like-minded people and the opportunity to expand one's own network in the "food" sector."
"What I have liked best so far is that you are accompanied the entire way of development, with the professional competence of all FSIWS employees. No question is stupid, but is taken seriously and answered excellently or forwarded to the appropriate departments. Especially important for me was the flexibility when Corona or private/professional appointments had priority, here you could always talk about it and met with understanding. I am already looking forward to another equally interesting six months."
"It was especially great that we were given the chance to develop our idea under professional supervision at the institute in the first place. All the coaches and employees are incredibly helpful. The regular tastings with direct feedback are very enriching for product development. Also the lectures and the knowledge transfer was very valuable and interesting and thereby the flexibility / change between online & offline events of great advantage."
"I can only warmly recommend the certificate course. The expertise in product development is enormous. I found the mentoring particularly helpful. In other programs, you only have a small window of time - here I can ask my questions at any time and get help - no matter in which areas. If the specific knowledge is not there, you are referred to contacts who can help you further. I'm very grateful for the full support in developing my product idea."
"It's good to have a coach and there are regular "updates/talks". The attendance days are also great for mutual exchange."
"The Food Startup Incubator in Freising is great. You get valuable tips around the topic of Food Startup. Anyone who wants to found a food startup gets the best support here. Excellent support. I can recommend it to everyone."