Food Startup Incubator Weihenstephan2024-09-16T13:06:06+02:00

"We support founders who want to join us in making a contribution to a sustainable world"

- Dr. Eric Veulliet, President of the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences

Use of the required infrastructure

For the development and production of your food, we offer you more than 1,000 square meters of laboratory and pilot plant space for the production of liquid, solid or powdered food.

Additionally, we give you access to coworking spaces and meeting rooms.

Founding students of Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences of all study programs as well as all employees have free access to the entire infrastructure.

Food startups have the opportunity to gain access via a user agreement.

Imparting the required expertise

As a student interested in founding a company, you can acquire the necessary expertise in the field of entrepreneurship in modules. For external students we currently offer an academy program. An international certificate program for food startups will be launched in 2024. Those interested in founding a company from agriculture, gastronomy or crafts are also very welcome.

We support food startups in accelerator programs together with the Strascheg Center (SCE) at Munich University of Applied Sciences.

Free access to the basic knowledge needed for food development, production as well as marketing and sales is offered to all interested parties within the framework of the online courses on our Knowledge Hub.

Financial support

We support student start-up teams with in-kind scholarships for product development and the establishment of pilot production.

We support innovative start-up teams interested in applying for an Exist start-up grant. If the application is successful, we then provide the founding teams with laboratories, technical center facilities and workplaces for the project phase.

As a food startup , you can get support through accelerator programs.

Zusätzlich ermöglichen wir Euch Zugang zu Kapital über unser Netzwerk aus Business Angels und Investor:innen.


Are you looking for like-minded people? Come by our Events and expand your network in the field of food and entrepreneurship!

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unsere Startups


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History of the Food Startup Incubator Weihenstephan (FSIWS)

03/18 First-time offering of the module "Founding a Food Startup" in the Food Technology course at Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences
12/18 Presentation of the first HSWT Food Startup Awards
01/19 First Exist Founder Scholarship Team
06/19 Foundation of the Food Startup Incubator Weihenstephan (FSIWS)
03/20 Start of the Gastro Initiative Bavaria 2020
04/20 Launch of our own free continuing education platform(moodle.fsiws.com)
06/20 Cooperation agreement with the International University IU
09/20 Cooperation agreement with the Strascheg Center of the Munich University of Applied Sciences (HM)
09/20 1st Food Startup Conference - online (foodstartupcampus.de)
11/20 Award of the FSIWS with the High Jump Award (1st prize).
02/21 Start of the farming initiative for the production of food on the own farm
06/21 Start of the certificate Food Startup Foundation for external startup interested parties.
10/21 2nd Food Startup Conference - online (foodstartupcampus.de)
10/21 Opening of the International Masters Entrepreneurship & Digital Transformation for food startup founding teams together with Munich University of Applied Sciences.
07/22 Completion of the first year certificate Food Startup Foundation for external startup interested parties.
09/22 3rd Food Startup Conference at Weihenstephan Campus with over 100 participants(foodstartupcampus.de)
11/22 Award of the FSIWS with the Hochsprung Award in the field of Female Entrepreneurship (2nd prize).
04/23 Get Started - Idea and Project Finding Workshop for Students of HSWT, IU and HM
09/23 4th Food Startup Conference at the Weihenstephan Campus (foodstartupcampus.de)
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